Hello, readers of my previous articles will recall that I covered hair transplantation in detail. One of the issues that many of my patients and my clients are curious about is the process following the hair transplantation. "Doctor, how about our journey after hair transplantation?" In this article, I have compiled what you will experience after hair transplantation, let's start.

We have completed your hair transplantation, what's next?

Operation night

You use the drugs we give you properly, and we inform you about the use of your drugs both in writing and verbally.

First week

From the first night, you will apply ice compresses to the area of your forehead for 2-3 days. Ice application reduces edema and swelling that may occur. And again, for the first 3 days, it would be better to sleep with your head up.

Therefore, we recommend you sleep with a pillow or two on your back and under your neck. Travel pillows can also help you sleep comfortably without turning your head.

You will keep wearing your headband for the first 5 days. In the first week, you can work without tilting your head. Tilting your head forward for a long time may cause edema and tension in your forehead and face.

Within the first 3 days after the operation, we will wash your hair and remove your bands. Your doctor will arrange the timing of your hair wash for you. We teach you how to wash your hair after we complete your first wash. Again, we describe how to use the lotion you will apply to your hair during the first wash.

When can I start moving?

You should avoid strenuous activities for the first 4-5 days after the operation. You can take short walks. You can go shopping. After the 10th day, you can return to your normal daily activities. After the 10th day you can swim. You should avoid heavy exercise for the first 3 months. Again, for the first 3 months, protect your head from direct sunlight. For this, you can wear comfortable, non-tightening hats from the first month. Stay away from steam rooms, saunas, and chlorine-cleaned swimming pools for the first three months. The important thing is to carefully protect your hair transplantation area and keep it away from traumas.

What should I eat?

We recommend eating plenty of protein and drinking plenty of water.

Salty and spicy foods should be avoided in the first week as they may increase edema.

Again, you should not drink alcohol and herbal teas in the first week, and you should limit coffee to 1 cup per day.

Important note!

You should definitely not smoke, since smoking can delay wound healing and cause the loss of transplanted hair follicles. Please heed this warning.

What will my second week be like?

Small crusts form in the areas planted in your hair and these crusts fall out in the first 2 weeks.

How about my third week?

After the third week, the guide hairs on the ends of the transplanted roots will fall out, it is a natural part of the process, nothing to worry about. These hair strands are a guide for transplanted follicles, new hair will begin to grow from these transplanted follicles.

When do I start to see the results of my hair transplant?

The first sprouting of the transplanted hair follicles starts approximately from the 2nd month. You will not feel much change in the planted areas during this period. But the new hair growth can be felt with the fingertips and creates a slight shading on your hair. Although it varies from person to person, approximately 20-25%of new hair develops in the first 3 months, 40-50% in the first 6 months, and80%in the 9th month.

When do I start to see the results of my hair transplant?

The time required for the completed result of the hair transplantation process is 1 year. This extends to the 14th month for the peak area, which we call the vertex.

Will my hair continue to fall out?

Your transplanted hair is resistant to loss, but the existing hair on the front of your head may fall out over time. We have medical support treatments to prevent and reduce falling.

When can secondary transplant be scheduled?

If our patient needs it, the second transplant can be scheduled at least 1 year after the first transplant. Any intervention earlier than this time may not be effective and may damage previously planted roots.

Who is not suitable for hair transplantation?

A bald patient is not suitable for hair transplantation. Again, patients without enough hair in the area where the follicles will be collected are not suitable candidates for hair transplantation. Patients with secondary diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, and known allergies can undergo hair transplantation after a preliminary evaluation. Again, oncology patients who want hair transplantation must finish their cancer treatments first. Hair transplantation cannot be performed while cancer treatment is ongoing. Patients with infections or skin diseases on the scalp can undergo hair transplantation after the disease and infection are cured.

What are the differences of hair transplantation in women?

Hair loss in women may be due to different causes than in men. First of all, the underlying cause should be investigated and treated if possible. In women, in some cases, hair transplantation can be performed without shortening the hair. We can decide whether you are suitable for this procedure in the pre-hair transplant evaluation. Hair transplantation without shortening the hair extends the procedure time. There may also be slight differences in care for women after hair transplantation.

Before taking action on hair transplantation, be sure to get a consultation from specialist doctors and clinics.

Stay healthy.